Tidylodge: Building lives without limits

Tidylodge is the first and only premium boutique – bespoke psychotherapy and coaching service in Singapore. Kellyjo dedicates her life to improving the lives of hard working corporate individuals, homemakers and executives like yourself in a short span of time, as short a time as a week or weekend. Literally reprogramming you (non-invasively) to a higher version of yourself.


The Tidylodge

Change your life for decades to come in just a few days. Our Mission is to create the waves that ripple through the individual, their nuclear and extended family, their work and the society in which they live; to provide balance for their emotional, mental and physical ecosystems for the future generations to come.

Up to date, all our customers have been word of mouth clients through a network of corporates in Singapore, people see peoples results and say, ‘I want what you have, what did you do’, ‘how have you changed so quickly’, to which they often reply ‘I had EMDR at tidylodge with Kellyjo and it changed my life’. This trailblazing approach, outperforms every other coaching and psychotherapy modality I have heard of.

Tidylodge Business Advisor, Advisory Board Member and Global Fintech Expert

Coaching & Psychotherapy

Imagine what an intensive experience with tidylodge could do for corporate adults and homemakers, when evidence shows that a population sample with severe PTSD had an 82.9% symptom reduction and 55% totally lost their diagnosis after their intensive experience.

European Journal of Psychotraumatology

EMDR is a gamechanger in career development according to the NCDA (National Career Development Association). Add that together with our intensive model and you have a sure fire recipe for limitless growth potential.

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At tidylodge, Kellyjo uses a range of scientifically proven methods, including results coaching, performance improving procedure with EMDR at the core, a fully fledged psychotherapy, considered the gold standard of approaches, to organically reset your mind, to help you perform your best and improve the quality of your life for years to come. Kellyjo is the most highly-qualified EMDR Therapist in Singapore and utilises a multitude of EMDR therapies, which allows her to customise the treatment especially for your needs.
We use an Attachment-Informed EMDR model with Non-Violent Communication to aid couples in progressing through stages of their relationship for better communication, interactions and less triggering moments as well as healing from their current and past relationship challenges.


The first of our kind to land on Singapore soil and to offer you this unique experience. Not only is this a limbic spa, but also an accelerated form of coaching and therapy.

Faulkner once said,

“Don’t bother just to be better than your contemporaries or predecessors. Try to be better than yourself.”

Tidylodge is a boutique coaching and therapy experience only accepting 1 Client per week

The coaching and therapy will be 1-on-1 with our founder Kellyjo Coney-Khan and very limited spots will be available.
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